Ben's Trice Page

ani-gif, spinning trike

My Trice is made in the USA by EcoCycle Inc. of Corvallis Oregon
EcoCycle Inc.
1500 NW 9th St.
Corvallis OR 97330
(541) 758-5817

under license from Peter Ross of England, or at least that's how it was when I bought it.

Ken Trueba of Ecocycle no longer makes the Trice, and Peter [Ross] is now the contact for after sales service for US built Trice. Contact Peter at

Peter has sold his Trice business to Inspired Cycle Engineering (ICE Ltd) who have been making all the new Trice since January 1999. They have a number of agents in the USA. See the ICE web site:

I've been riding it to work almost every day for over two years now. I really like it. It's comfortable, fast, responsive, warmer on cold mornings (my feet break the wind instead of my nose!) and more fun on warm days. I ride in traffic downtown, but most of my ride is bike route (thanks, City of Portland!) and I haven't been scared yet. It gets A LOT of attention, which is really fun! I just got neon, which makes me even more attention getting than before.

Ben on Trice Warren on Trice Mike on Trice
Trice Trice2 Tricebottom

Most common questions:

How much?!
About $2000. A good price for a custom made bicycle, and the best for a tricycle.

How do you steer?
Very well, thank you :-) Using the handlebars, to turn the t-bar, which pulls the tie-rods, which turn the wheels.

Is it fast?
About the same as a regular (road) bike, but much comfier and aerodynamic.

Don't you feel scared (invisible, etc.) being so low? (Or, more agressively:) Why don't you have a flag?!
I haven't been scared yet, and cars seem to see me fine mostly and give me more space on the road and pass me more safely too. I know the situations where I won't be seen, and I excercise reasonable caution.

More Trice information

Here are some links to two .mpegs I made of my Trice, with and without the Vision Zzipper fairing; 289K and 553K respectively:

trice, no fairing trice, faired

See some snaps of the 1997 Trice. (Thanks to Walter Smith for the pictures.)

Write to Ben

Visit The WWW Trike Pages (by Efendi).

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